Mini Workshop, Big Ass Results.
How To Feel Better
(No Matter What Your Problem Is)
LITO Academy Mini Workshop
The Only Kungfu Manual You Need For the rest of your life
We know. That headline sounds like the cheesy set-up for a loaded promise. But really, we have cracked the secret code to the Universe and we can’t wait to share the killer moves with you.
Learn how to loosen the grip of whatever is worrying you / mentally blocking you / causing you anxiety or keeping you up at night. And replace it with clarity, confidence, and inner peace.
We’ll teach you how to feel better, no matter what you’re dealing with right now (and in the future), so when live throws you lemons (or flying cockroaches) you can SLAY THEM LIKE A BOSS.
zap all problems with one bullet-proof framework
If there’s only one mind tool you want in your survival toolkit, THIS IS THE ONE. This framework is the backbone of Dan’s coaching work and a core skill he teaches all his one-on-one coaching clients. This is the fundamental LITO 武林秘籍 that will change your life.
We know. It’s a big claim. We don’t say these things lightly.
The problem with the problem you're struggling with is that that is not the problem
The root cause of all our emotional suffering always starts in one place. And no, it’s not your external environment, not your bitch boss, not your lousy job, not your cheating spouse, not COVID, not discovering that you’re left with $20 in your savings account.
Why An On-Demand Workshop?
We sold out this workshop when we first ran it live. We have received plenty of requests to run this workshop again. As such, we have decided to make the workshop recordings available in its entirety, in a repackaged format, as an evergreen digital offering. We believe in serving in a smart, scaleable fashion.
How Long Is This Workshop?
The workshop where we teach the framework is about an hour long. We have additional materials to clarify and boost your understanding of the framework and how to apply it for various scenarios. You can cover all the materials and master the framework in 2.5 hours. Chop chop currypok!
What Do I Get?
You will receive and get lifetime access to all contents immediately upon purchasing a workshop pass.
why is it so cheap?
We want to make you a no-brainer offer you cannot resist. There are no excuses. More accessibility = more lives changed = a happier world.
Also, we believe in YouPiYouQiYouDuaLiapNee.
What do i need to prepare?
You mean besides an open mind and open heart? A nice bevvy (Gin Tonic for us!) + writing materials!
What We'll Be Covering
In this gem-packed 2.5 hour workshop, we’ll be covering plenty of ground with only one objective in mind – teach you a framework to work through your challenges and feel better quickly, whatever your problems.
That means you’ll know what to do the next time you encounter a setback, frustration, mental block, worry, dilemma.
How Your Brain Works
We’ll tell you something about your brain that will blow your er… mind. You’ll never look at your brain the same way ever again.
The Anatomy Of Every Issue/Problem
Every problem you encounter isn’t the problem. We’ll explain why.
The Two Things You Are Doing Wrong
There are two things that most people do when solving a problem, except they are also what’s keeping you miserable and “stuck.” Once you see what you’ve been doing (wrong), you will not be able to unsee it.
Mental Hygiene Framework
The only kungfu move you need to slay it in the pugilistic world of life. We’ll impart this invaluable skill in less than 90 minutes. You can use this mind tool for the rest of your life.
Q&A & Demo
Got questions? We have answers. Get to see the framework in action whilst we coach a few attendees in person!
Ohai, we are dan & rebecca
Your Friendly Host & Instructor
We are the hosts of The LITO Podcast and partners-in-crime who dream of a world where more people can live their purpose, fulfill their potential and live on their own terms.
We believe that learning and self-development can be super fun (cos that’s how we learn best ourselves). We are committed to creating engaging, deeply meaningful learning experiences for you. You coming along?
HTFB Client Reviews
What people say
Show Me The Manual!
If you are willing to make the commitment, this workshop will equip you with a powerful tool for feeling free, connected, and content. Interested to join us? All you need is to pick up a Workshop Pass. It’s US$49. See you inside the workshop!